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স্বাগতম, নির্বাহী প্রকৌশলীর কার্যালয়, শিক্ষা প্রকৌশল অধিদপ্তর, খুলনা। Welcome to the Office of the Executive Engineer, Education Engineering Department, Khulna. 

Vision & Mission

Submission of 6(six) copies final report in the for of book will all relevant diagram chart and work analysis of soil parameters, evaluation of bearing capacity of soil settlement analysis, skin friction, bearing capacity of pile if nedded in/c. excluding  expert recommendation with back up data for a suitable type of structure foundation after performing the tests: a)SPT at 1.5 meter intervals upto 20m. in/c. collection of 13 nos. Disturbed soil sample and at least 3 nos>Undisturbed soil sample by sealed condition for each point.  b)Each point performing laboratory test:    i)Natural moisture content test      3 test.   ii)Atterbag limits test - 5  " iii)Grain sizew analysis                  5 " iv)Wet & dry dersity -  3 "    v)Specific gravity- 3 "    vi)Consolidation test  - 3 "   vii)Direct shear test  -  2 "        viii)Unconfined compression test  3 "      c)Execution of IN-SITU-VANE SHEAR test(Both in undisturbed and remolded condition) in very soft to soft cohesive zones at least 1(one) for each point. The rate uincludes VAT,TAXES etc. all costs.